My friend is flirting with me! What do I do?

My friend is flirting with me! What do I do?
beauty meets happiness 

Maybe your buddy that you see everyday- why is she acting different now? Hmm, gotta deal it. Have any ideas?
Flirting is a widespread phenomenon these days. People flirt for a variety of reasons namely enjoyment, to gain attention and midlife crises are some of the major ones. It is also a surprise that flirting also happens due to ignorance and ourselves sometimes being not being aware. 
Flirting occurs mostly among office colleagues but among friends it is the most common. The key is to draw a line between flirting and the bond of friendship and a thin line exists between the two. Meanwhile a little bit of flirting is also encouraged as it keeps everyone on their toes.
Signs that your friend is flirty
There are some common signs which help us to ascertain whether the friend has really crossed the line .The signs are showering you with too many expensive gifts, commenting on your personality traits and dress code in general. In addition to this on a public platform you are the center of his or her eyes. 
There is no denying the fact that we all crave for attention and the world is based on that feeling but the most important thing to be noted is that attention has to be from the right person at the right time. Feelings cannot be embedded and it is a mutual two way process.
Reasons behind flirting
Flirting has its own set of reasons and certain remedial action can be taken on our part. 
One of the steps which you take though it may sound little offensive is flirt back .In short pay the other person back in the same way.
Realize a person flirts because he is insecure and there is a feeling of being accepted by all. 

You never know- maybe even you are in love with the person! Check your love compatibility to feel better. This Love Meter says it all!

One more technique which could be adopted is ignoring him completely and Lat but not the least Severe all ties with that person

The key to all this is being yourself and being ease with oneself. Don’t try to adopt something which we are not comfortable.
If ever you feel that a friend is flirty, certain steps would help taming the person and keeping him/her in a safe zone.
  • Be busy: Don’t confide your thoughts and emotions on that person only. Acknowledge the fact that there is a life beyond him/her.
  • No physical relations with him/her: Women are more bounded by this factor and it is not this step that keeps both the parties interested. Shed the tag of keeping a friend with benefits.
  • Give instructions: A clear line should be drawn between giving instructions and directions. The stress is on a clear cut communication. The couple should be aware of each other’s likings and disliking.
  • Create continuity: The relationship should be on a continuous basis. If there are too much cancellations in the appointments term it is red flag and understand each of the people have different priorities.
  • Set a time frame for you: This is the most important step. Time is the most crucial factor. Give a definite time to the relationship and if things don’t go your way accept the fact that there are better things in life to do and move on in life.
love, flirt, be happy

At the end of the day, remember just one reality: You should be happy.
After having done a detailed analysis of the definition of flirting and its features in general certain conclusions can be derived. It needs to be understood first of all that flirting is not a harm or sin but it is behavioral trait embedded in certain individuals. 
There is no harm in indulging in flirting as long as it is within the desired limits and space.
In fact a little bit of flirting is also encouraged .Flirting occurs in a lot of relationships but flirting among fiends stands out to be a very sensitive issue. 
Some signs are mentioned when a friend is deemed to cross the line and along with the remedial actions is also mentioned.


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